The 2019 South Island All Welsh Show was a very special for Hollybank Crusader (Nawarrah Park Lady’s Man x Amaranda Charmian). Attending his first ever show at the age of two years under Australian judge Elizabeth D’hondt, “Colin” was awarded Champion Section B Gelding, Best Section B Exhibit, Grand Champion Purebred Gelding and went right though to win Supreme Purebred Welsh Exhibit along with a NZWPCS Silver Medal. A big thank you to Karolina Dyszy for helping with the show prep and to Abby Sinclair for leading Colin on the day.
Hollybank Antonio also had a terrific day, winning Champion Junior Section B colt/filly, Grand Champion Purebred Junior and Supreme Paced Exhibit. Thank you to Sarah Cronin for leading Tony, and Tony also helped Sarah and Abby to both win their Handler classes.